Everybody talks about how to save the planet, everyone says that you have to recycle, care about the water and critics the industries and the pollution, but nobody talks about the impact of the ranching on our planet. The last weekend I see in Netflix a documental about that called "Cowspiracy'' and is about how the meat industry contaminates a lot the earth. This is a theme very interesting to me because I think to eat animals that you love is very cruel and a lot of people don't know how that's effects in the air, the water, and the ground. If you want to know more about that I recommended you see this documentary. I don't pretend you became vegan after that but I think you have to know how damage you do in the environment and about the more strength destructive in the planet. For example, one hamburger that you eat contaminates 2000 lt of water approximately, that equivalates to your shower for three months and contaminates more than a tru...