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Today I'm going to talk about a app who I like a lot and it is very interesting for me.
I discover "Google Arts & Culture" for a famous challenge who consist in find your "doppelgänger" in the art world. You could search him or her in this app if you take a selfie, and I really want to tried that but unfortunately this tool is only available for iOS system and I had Android. I was so disappointed because I want to know if I am in a piece of art. But everything is not that terrible and I found this awesome app and in spite of is a variation of the Google apps I hadn't heard about her. 

"Google Arts & Culture" is a platform who collects pieces of art exposed in the museums of the world. You can also go down virtually gallerys, museums or famous buildings as well as read about different artists and his proyects and articles about social facts too. 

I use this app to hang out, I check almost everyday because every certain time there are new articles. 
I like see famous buildings and think that I am inside them. It has useful for me for know artists and architects and other interesting things, like see up close iconic frames. Also for learning about English because all the website is in this language.

Although I like this app a lot I would change some things. I would add more artists because even there are a lot there's shortage of latin and actual artists because is more enfocated to European and famous artists.

I really trust one day see the paintings and buildings in real life when I travel around the world -I hope so- and this app helps me to dream for a while. 

You can know this website in or downloaded the app on your phone. 

Resultado de imagen para google arts


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